For Inner Wheel I have to go back to November to report on our activities. It was the time for preparations for the town Festive Market and that meant a very happy morning at a member’s home packing up the amazing array of gifts we had gathered for our Pretty Parcel stall. We are always amazed at the range of things that turn up, our members are splendid hunter gatherers!
Festive Market day came, thankfully fine and dry (if a bit cold) and it wasn’t long before the crowds arrived and we were delighted to almost sell out by 4 o clock having taken £486.50 which goes to our charity funds. We had a great day as you can see below, and we hope everyone else did too!
Then it was quickly on to our next event which was a coffee morning at the Methodist Centre. This event had been held at the Queens Hall in other years but with no craft market taking place it seemed best to move it into the High Street. Our bakers and sausage roll makers came up trumps again and although visitors were fewer than we had hoped £176.98 was added to our fiunds.
These two events meant that we could donate £150 to St Martins Housing Trust, The Salvation Army and the local Foodbank. We also donated £80 to School in a Bag, which provides basic school needs, eg writing materials, educational resources, a drinking bottle and eating utensils all in a bright red rucksack. These go to poor or orphaned children in disaster areas worldwide.
It was then time for our own celebration and we enjoyed an excellent Christmas lunch at Broom Hall on December 9th – See picture at top. Our own Secret Santa caused great amusement as each member chose a small gift from Santa’s sack and unwrapped often a strange shaped parcel to reveal, of course, just what they wanted!
With Covid rearing it’s ugly head again Christmas was an uncertain time, we do hope you and yours managed to celebrate in a happy, safe and suitable way.
Covid numbers meant that we cancelled our plans for Inner Wheel day on January 10th when an afternoon with a speaker and with invited guests from the Thetford Inner Wheel Club would have taken place at Thompson Community Hall.
Our January club meeting was held on Zoom as we felt meeting in person was not yet wise. Our members are really getting very good with Zooming and 18 members were able to take part and welcome our District Chairman to join our meeting.
We are beginning to plan for events from March onwards and have two well in hand. The first another Coffee morning at the Methodist Centre on Saturday, March 5th from 9.30 – 11.30. we welcome all visitors to come and enjoy what we have to offer and it is always a good opportunity to meet friends for a chat.
The second event is an afternoon concert in the Queens Hall on Sunday, March 20th . The much loved Watton Westend Waiters are giving a free concert to celebrate their 10 years of giving concerts all around Norfolk. Sadly age and infirmity means that going ‘on the road’ is no longer possible but their enthusiasm is undimmed and their songs and verses as much fun as ever. We are asking people to get a ticket, available from Mullengers on Watton High Street. Numbers will be limited so it will be first come first served. Our Inner Wheel ladies will be serving tea and cakes at the end of the concert and there will be a raffle and a donation box for funds to go to the Waiters chosen charity the Motor Neurone Disease Association.
We hope to see you there!
Brenda Davis, Club Correspondent.