A public consultation on Norfolk County Council’s Norwich Western Link project will launch in August, with people being invited to give their views on proposals before the planning application is finalised and submitted.
The Norwich Western Link is a new 3.9 mile dual carriageway road that would connect the A1270 Broadland Northway to the A47 west of Norwich. As well as improving travel between these two major routes, the new road would tackle traffic congestion and delays on the local road network and in communities, and prevent them from worsening due to planned housing and job growth in Greater Norwich.
The Pre-Planning Application Public Consultation will launch on Monday 15 August and will close eight weeks later, at midnight on Sunday 9 October.
Cllr Martin Wilby, Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Infrastructure at Norfolk County Council, said: “This is our fourth public consultation on the Norwich Western Link and it will provide more details on the design of the route, including the viaduct over the River Wensum, as well as complementary measures being proposed as part of the project.
“This is a vital piece of infrastructure for Norfolk that will bring in national investment and make a huge positive difference to local residents, businesses, emergency services and visitors to our county. We want to submit the best possible planning application for this project and getting people’s feedback at this point will help us to do that. I hope anyone with any interest in the Norwich Western Link will look through the information contained in the consultation and give us their views so we can consider them as we finalise our proposals.”
Four consultation events will be held during the consultation period, with information on display and members of the project team available to discuss the proposals and answer questions. These events will be held at:
- Barnham Broom Village Hall on Friday 2 September (12-8pm)
- The Costessey Centre on Friday 9 September (1-8pm)
- Weston Longville Hall for All on Thursday 15 September (12-8pm)
- Felthorpe Village Hall on Thursday 22 September (12-8pm)
There will also be opportunities for people to speak to members of the project team about the proposals via bookable online and phone appointments. Once the consultation launches, people will be able to view information on the proposals via the Norfolk County Council website at https://www.norfolk.gov.uk/nwl and fill in an online questionnaire. Email and postal responses will also be accepted.
The planning application for the project is due to be submitted next year. Subject to gaining necessary statutory approvals, construction of the Norwich Western Link is scheduled to get underway in late 2024 with the road open for use in late 2026.
Norfolk County Council the Norwich Western Link will:
- Significantly reduce many journey times to the west of Norwich, with some more than halving, and shortening response times for many ambulances travelling to the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital.
- Lead to a reduction in carbon emissions from vehicles by making many journeys more efficient, which supports local and national carbon reduction targets.
- Boost Norfolk’s economy and support its businesses by reducing transport costs, opening up new markets and increasing productivity through quicker and more reliable journeys.
- Improve road safety with 500 fewer accidents involving a motor vehicle over 60 years.
- Take traffic off unsuitable local roads with a reduction of approximately 80% in traffic through Weston Longville, leading to improved air quality in residential areas and supporting people to walk, cycle and use public transport.
- Create new habitats and improve existing ones across a wide area to the west of Norwich to support a range of wildlife and provide connectivity including through green bridges and wildlife underpasses.