Shipdham Knitters
October was a month of celebration for Shipdham Knitters on several counts including being able to meet again and the club achieving 10 years as a village group. We had a party at both of our monthly meetings with original members, including some from the very first meeting, and we welcomed some new members. We made the latter very welcome and we hope they enjoyed themselves and continue with us although we will not be partying every month. Once again we have Kathy to thank for providing delicious refreshments and organisation.
During October we were able to donate £100 each to MacMillan Cancer Care, East Anglian Air Ambulance and NARS (Norfolk Accident Rescue Service). It was a pleasure to resume donating to charities.
Currently members are busy knitting for our stsall at the Christmas Market on Saturday 27th November held by the Church to whom money raised will be donated. Do come along and see what we have been knitting and support our lovely church.
For further information please contact: Kathy on 820615; Marlene 820327; Sue Hart 822536 (all 01362 code)