St Marys Church Watton (J Horn)St Marys Church Watton (J Horn)

Follow us @StMarysWatton

If I can be of help to you please do not hesitate to contact me, on 07554 542861, I can then email or telephone you back or arrange to meet up with you. Thank you: Your Assistant Vicar, Rev’d Kyla Sorensen

Church Office opens Tues, Wed & Thurs 9am – 12 noon
Tel: 01953 881252 Email:


Come join us at St Mary’s Church for our Sunday Services at either 8am or 10am and our weekly Wednesday Service at 9.30am.

Craft Group

Come join us on Friday 1st April 2pm – 4pm for Crafts, a chat, tea, coffee, biscuits (sometimes cake!)

Craft Fayre & Coffee Morning – Saturday 2nd April

at 10am – 2pm. Join us for cold cross buns & refreshments and pick out some craft products for gifts or for yourself!

Community Cinema

Friday 8th April. Showing, ‘Spencer’. Doors open at 1.15pm for a 2.15pm start. Tickets are £5.00 each on the door (Hot drink & cake included in ticket)

New Ecumenical Ladies Prayer Group – Wednesday 20th April 1pm-2:30pm

Fellowship followed by Prayer time. Please bring your own packed lunch for this first session, drinks will be provided.

Storybags – Mondays: 9.30 – 10.45am

Our children’s group, Storybags. For pre-school children and parents/carers (during term-time only). Play, bible story, drink/snack and friends. Depending on government guidelines, booking may still be required, details of this can be found on their Facebook page: @storybagsstmarys


For girls aged 5-7 years, Rainbows meet each Monday (term time only) at St Mary’s Church 4.30pm – 5.45pm. or find them on Facebook: 1st Watton Rainbows.

150 Club Winners

The winners of February’s 150 Club are:
1st prize £50 – ticket number 81 – Andy Turner
2nd prize £25 – ticket number 14 – Linda Benton