The West Norfolk Aviation Society

The club has been in existence for nearly 30 years and has had a membership of between 20 and 30 men and women during that period.

We have organised group visits to various air shows; we have periodic film shows; we have guest speakers of many different aeronautical backgrounds; one of these was our president until a few years ago: Wing Commander Ken Wallis.

The speakers we have had, generally decline to accept fees but welcome donations to appropriate charities. More recently, we have recruited speakers from our own group. Although we take our passion seriously we also like to treat everything we say and do with good humour.

Our website ( publishes the minutes for the AGMs; these define the elected officers. We have a raffle at half time which goes a long way towards paying for the use of our venue; we have a bar with club prices and a free buffet during the interval. Our membership fee is £10 a year. We meet at the Mundford Bowls Club on the first Tuesday of each month at 1900hrs.

You can contact the Membership Secretary by emailing or can call on 07706 030 307

Do drift in whenever you can but please be careful with your landing, the bowling green is precious. All welcome.