At the March Meeting, Roger Pawsey, pastor of Watton Pentecostal Church, held a lovely service to enable our members say goodbye to Helen – secretary, Ron – Chairman, Susie – Group member and all other group members, family and friends who had passed.
In April we had brilliant speaker Mike Wabe give an excellent talk on “Life & Death in a Victorian Goal”. Mike has given different talks over the years, which are always informative and entertaining. Below are several photos taken by Tom of Mike dressed as a Victorian jailer.
For Easter, instead of a chocolate egg, each group member was given a Diabetic cookbook.
Next month our speaker will be Tobi from Watton Medical Practice and in July we are going to Peter Beales Roses for a tour and lunch.
Our next meeting will be held on Monday 9th May, at Watton Pentecostal Church, Dereham Road, Watton starting at 10.15am.
Subs for the meeting will be £2, and Maralyn will be ready to welcome you, collect your subs and sign you in.
John will be holding a raffle so please bring along something to put in the raffle and tickets are two tickets for £1.
There will be tea, coffee and biscuits organised by Margaret.
Lorraine Olsen, Chairman