What a wonderful six months we have had at Wild Church. Thankyou to everyone who has joined with us as we have explored nature and faith and been encouraged to do more to look after our wildly wonderful world. We have enjoyed going on bug hunts and building a community bug hotel at Loch Neaton. We went pond dipping in the Loch and found lots of beasties. Abi from Norwich bat group took us on a wonderful bat walk. We gathered around the Tree of Hope as we remembered those we love but see no more. We enjoyed a walk around Wayland Wood as we went on a Christingle in Creation Hunt. We raised some money for charity including Norwich Bat Group and The Children’s Society. And we have started on our eco-church journey and are working towards our Bronze award.

So, what does 2022 have in store?
We continue to meet at Loch Neaton on the first Sunday of the month. Loch Neaton is a beautiful hidden gem in the heart of Watton. It is well looked after by a group of Trustees and we look forward to working with them more closely this year to help look after this beautiful community space.They are always on the lookout for volunteers so get in touch if you can offer some time. 

We rely on the generous donations of others to continue to run these sessions and if you would like to donate towards our work you can donate online at https://ko-fi.com/wildchurchnorfolk

The next meet up will be Sunday 6th February 1pm-2.30pm at Loch Neaton. We are focussing on the birds as this date falls after the RSPB Great Big Garden Bird Watch and just before National Nest Box week. George from Songbird Survival will be joining us to teach us about the birds and help us to look after them. We will be making bird feeders (you need two plastic water bottles) and going bird watching. See the advert for some of the other themes coming up. Keep up to date by following us on Facebook or Instagram @wildchurchnorfolk