On our September walk along the Rivers Thet and Little Ouse, participants were very interested in the work of the River Group, both in looking after the water quality with a monitoring scheme, and wildlife. But they also learned that the group does a lot with the local community and aids other groups such as those looking after vulnerable people.

On Wednesday November 9th, we will start our Autumn/Winter programme of talks with
One Good Tern. This is being given by Liz Ibbitson a RSPB volunteer, about their conservation work with the Little Tern.
This is held at The Methodist Centre, High Street, Watton at 7.30pm. Cost £3 non-members £2 members. No need to book.

(pictured above A crested tern in first year plumage. By Benjamint This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.)